Keeping you informed about the state of your machine

Every spot of oil leaves a tell-tale signature, every vibration in a motor tells a story. With regular inspections our experienced specialist personnel detect possible sources of failures and initiate the necessary action without delay.

Your machinery and systems are carefully inspected and maintained with the aid of the latest test equipment and instrumentation. In the event of irregularities, we inform you about the cause and offer appropriate solutions. Minor malfunctions are rectified directly on the machine.

If an overhaul is necessary, we transport the motors to the nearest Baumuller workshop where they are refurbished so they are as good as new – independent of who manufactured the drive.

Regular inspections and maintenance reduce the probability of a malfunction and as a result increase the availability of your system.

Reliability in maintenance

Together with you we prepare a maintenance plan tailored to your needs with the objective of both minimising downtimes and also extending the lifecycle. The productivity of your machines can thereby be increased.

Regular and professional inspection and maintenance increases your maintenance forecast planning reliability. At the same time you also obtain dependable and useful data on the state of your electrical machinery.

Our objective is your benefit: The increased availability of your machinery and systems

Your benefits

  • We assume project responsibility - from scheduling to the logistics - everything from a single source
  • A competent service partner for all your electrical machinery - independent of the manufacturer
  • As a result of the service history generated, you are kept informed about the state of your electrical machinery
  • Quality assurance due to the usage of genuine spare parts during the rectification of malfunctions and during inspections
  • Reduction in the operating costs due to scheduled maintenance and the reduced probability of a failure
  • An option to extend the warranty for repairs is available with regular maintenance

Contact Inspection and Maintenance: +27 (0)31 701 1620